America Registry is pleased to offer domain registration services for .health domain names to the general public. Register your .health today with America's trusted domain name registrar.
.Health, revolutionizing the way people seek health information online.
With so much health related information available online, it has become more difficult to distinguish the credible information, particularly when it comes to health. .Health Domains are set to eliminate the confusion by providing an instantly recognizable address that makes it easier for users to find the reliable, relevant information they need for a healthier life.
.Health will soon be home to qualified health practitioners, skilled nutritionists, myotherapists and those who relate to the health industry.
Dot health domains will be launched in three phases to ensure that these domain names are available as soon as possible to the appropriate communities in order to maintain a credible online space.
During the industry access token phase from July 20 through November 30, qualified health industry brands, organizations, and people will receive priority access via a single-use token administered by dotHealth
.healthdomain information